

The Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies of the University of A Coruña (UDC) (UDC) is a reference in its field, being the oldest and largest of the university departments related to Computer Science in Galicia. It is also one of the main generators of R&D of the UDC, with a large number of applied and fundamental research projects, along with agreements and contracts with other public organizations and private companies. In addition, the Department has actively participated in the generation of spin-off companies in the technology sector. The Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies has extensive experience in training researchers, with a PhD program in Computing that has been generating new doctors continuously since 1992. In 2005, the PhD program in Computing was recognized with the Ministry’s Quality Mention of Education and Science (MCD-2005 00166). Since the 2013-2014 academic year, doctoral studies have been reorganized following current norms (RD 99/2011) and its modification of (RD 576/2023), which regulates official doctoral studies.

To access the doctorate it is necessary to have completed 60 ECTS credits from one or several masters in the Computer Science field (see see access rules in more detail). The usual or direct way of taking this stage is to complete the Master's Degree in Computer Science Engineering offered by the Faculty of Informatics of UDC.

The doctoral program is integrated into the International Doctoral School of UDC. UDC maintains all the information and regulations regarding doctoral studies in its web address:

and, in particular, the doctoral regulation: