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Criteria for access to doctoral studies


Requirements to access PhD programs


II. OWN ACCESS CRITERIA (Phd Program in Computing)

RD 99/2011 (regulation of PhD studies) establishes in its Article 7, regarding admission criteria, that: :

1. 1. The Universities, through the Academic Commissions referred to in article 8.3 of the regulation, may establish additional requirements and criteria for the selection and admission of students to a specific doctoral program.

Thus, following the current regulations, once the requirements detailed in the previous section have been fulfilled, as a specific additional requirement, an admission profile is required, mainly oriented to university degrees in the field of Computer Science, or related disciplines that can provide knowledge relevant or suitable for some specific area of research in Computing, such as Computer Science (preferably), Mathematics, Telecommunications, Physics or Industrial Engineering.

The title of the Master in Computer Science Engineering of the Faculty of Informatics of the University of A Coruña will be considered as a direct degree for admission.


III. Procedure for applying for admission of students with a foreign degree not approved outside the EHEA (European Higher Education Area)

Procedure for applying for admission