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Seminar/conference announcement "People, Environments, Sensors: Cyber Opportunities for Exploring Human Mobilities"
Speaker: Christophe Claramunt (Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology - ParisTech)

Thursday, March 21 2024, Aula de Grados, 12:00, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: Cyberspace is an open, global, unregulated, and virtual area of decentralized human activities, social interactions, and application services in the information space transmitted by sensors and Internet communication channels, and supported by cyber infrastructures. Cyberspace data, whether voluntarily or involuntarily created at unprecedented rates of dissemination, originates from a variety of user communities, ranging from experts to the general public, and different supports from social media to mobile users, but are not always well structured because they are most often not generated for further manipulation. Hence, new ideas and frameworks must be developed to reflect the spatial and temporal structures that emerge. The talk will introduce a series of theoretical, conceptual, methodological, computational advances and contributions of this digital revolution to the study of mobility patterns in urban and regional environments. I will also discuss with the audience a few key implications of this emerging cyberspace and some of the upcoming research challenges.

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2023-2024 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions second ordinary term February 2024


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2023-2024 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions second ordinary term February 2024


Seminar/conference announcement "Practical Defeasible Reasoning over Facts and Norms"
Speaker: Emery Neufeld (Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)

Monday, February 5 2024, Aula de Grados, 11:30, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: As interest in ethical AI grows, norms become an increasingly prominent topic in AI. In this talk we will give a brief introduction to norms and the basic issues in normative reasoning, as well as non-monotonicity and defeasibility in logic. We will utilize defeasible logic and its modal extension to demonstrate the notions we have introduced, and will briefly look at an application of this logic in the field of safe/ethical reinforcement learning.

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Seminar/conference announcement "IBM Quantum Platform: Panorama actual y futuro"
Speaker: Diego Moreda Rodríguez (IBM Quantum Systems)

Monday, November 6 2023, Room 3.1, 16:00, Facultad de Informática

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2023-2024 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions first ordinary term September 2023


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2023-2024 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions first ordinary term September 2023


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2022-2023 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions second ordinary term February 2023


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2022-2023 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions second ordinary term February 2023


Seminar/conference announcement "Efficient solutions to biological problems using de Bruijn graphs"
Speaker: Prof. Leena Salmela (University of Helsinki)

Wednesday, January 11 2023, Room 2.0, 11:00, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: A de Bruijn graph represents a set of sequencing reads by the k-mers, i.e. substrings of length k, occurring in the reads. In the node centric de Bruijn graph, the set of k-mers are the nodes of the de Bruijn graph and an edge is added between two nodes if they share an overlap of k-1 characters. This representation condenses the information in a large read set into compact space thus allowing efficient solutions to many problems in computational biology. Such problems include for example correction of sequencing errors and genome assembly. Because each position of a genome is sequenced several times, it is possible to correct sequencing errors in reads if we can identify data originating from the same genomic region. A de Bruijn graph can be used to represent compactly the reliable information and the individual reads can be corrected by aligning them to the graph. Genome assembly is a classic problem, which can be solved for example with de Bruijn graphs. The task is to reconstruct the underlying genome based on sequencing reads. In genome assembly the choice of k is a crucial matter. A small k can result in a tangled graph, whereas a too large k will fragment the graph. Furthermore, a different value of k may be optimal for different parts of the genome. Variable order de Bruijn graphs, which represent de Bruijn graphs of all orders k in a single data structure, have been proposed as a solution. We give the first definition of assembled sequences, i.e. contigs, on such graphs and an algorithm for enumerating them.

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Seminar/conference announcement "Gestión de datos espaciales"
Speaker: Prof. Antonio Corral Liria (Universidad de Almería)

Tuesday, October 26 2022, Room 2.4, 11:00, Facultad de Informática

Resumen: La gestión de datos espaciales se ocupa fundamentalmente del almacenamiento, indexación y consulta de objetos con características espaciales, como su ubicación y su extensión geométrica en el espacio. Muchas aplicaciones requieren una gestión eficiente de los datos espaciales, como los sistemas de información geográfica, el diseño asistido por ordenador, los servicios basados en la localización, los sistemas de recuperación de información, los sistemas de recomendación, etc. Además, existe un gran número de campos de aplicación que se benefician de la gestión eficiente de datos espaciales, como la agricultura, el transporte, la salud, etc. El principal objetivo de esta charla es proporcionar a la audiencia una visión general de la tecnología para la gestión de datos espaciales, prestando especial atención a las técnicas de indexación y consultas. En primer lugar, se presentan los modelos de datos y las consultas espaciales más comunes. Después, se revisarán diferentes enfoques de indexación para datos espaciales, centrándonos en el R-tree y en el Quadtree. En un siguiente apartado, se verá la evaluación de consultas y las técnicas de optimización para los tipos de consultas espaciales más populares (selecciones, búsqueda del vecino más próximo y joins espaciales) sobre datos en espacios euclídeos y redes espaciales (spatial networks). A continuación, veremos cómo se gestionan grandes volúmenes de datos espaciales desde una perspectiva Big Data (Big Spatial Data), analizando arquitecturas y sus componentes, implementaciones de prototipos, etc. Finalizaremos la charla indicando los dominios de aplicación más representativos que hacen uso de la tecnología para gestión de datos espaciales, y los nuevos retos desde el punto de vista de investigación de cada uno de los apartados presentados previamente.

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2022-2023 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions first ordinary term September 2022


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2022-2023 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions first ordinary term September 2022


Seminar/conference announcement "Detection of fake news and conspiracy theory spreaders"
Speaker: Prof. Paolo Rosso (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Monday, September 26 2022, Room 2.4, 11:30, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: The rise of social media has offered a fast and easy way for the propagation of fake news and conspiracy theories. Despite the research attention that has received, fake news detection remains an open problem and users keep sharing texts that contain false statements. In this talk I will describe how to go beyond textual information to detect fake news, taking into account also affective and visual information because providing important insights on how fake news spreaders aim at triggering certain emotions in the readers. I will also describe how psycholinguistic patterns and users' personality traits may play an important role in discriminating fake news spreaders from fact checkers. Finally, I will comment on some studies on the propagation of conspiracy theories. The ongoing work on detection of disinformation, from fake news to conspiracy theories, is in the framework of IBERIFIER, the Iberian media research & fact-checking hub on disinformation funded by the European Digital Media Observatory (2020-EU-IA-0252), and the XAI-DisInfodemics project on eXplainable AI for disinformation and conspiracy detection during infodemics funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PLEC2021-007681).

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2021-2022 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions second ordinary term February 2022


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2021-2022 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions second ordinary term February 2022


Seminar/conference announcement "The (past and) future of logic in AI"
Speaker: Prof. David Pearce (Universidad Poltécnica de Madrid)

Wednesday, February 22 2022, Aula de Grados Víctor Gulías, 11:30, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: Logic and formal languages have been applied to represent and reason about knowledge since the beginnings of the 20th century. However, to be successful in Computer Science and AI logics have had to evolve well beyond the classical paradigm of mathematical logic. In this talk I will give a gentle introduction to a modern type of logic called stable reasoning that forms the basis of a declarative programming framework called answer set programming (ASP). I will discuss the role of stable reasoning in the representation of knowledge and, more generally, the role of logic in the age of Deep Learning and BigData that appear to dominate Artificial Intelligence today.

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Seminar/conference announcement "One More Step Towards Easy Answer Set Programming"
Speaker: Prof. Javier Romero (Universidad de Potsdam, Alemania)

Wednesday, October 20 2021, Aula de Grados Víctor Gulías, 10:00, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well established approach to declarative problem solving, combining a rich yet simple modeling language with high-performance solving capacities. Part of the success of ASP is due to its solid foundations on the theory of stable models for logic programs. Despite this fundamental connection, in this talk we identify a problematic gap between the practice of ASP and the theory of stable models. To overcome this gap, we propose the methodology of Easy ASP, that restricts the syntax of ASP to logic programs that are easy to understand, and provides a definition of the stable models for those easy programs that aims to close the original gap between practice and theory.

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2021-2022 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions first ordinary term September 2021


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2021-2022 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions first ordinary term September 2021


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term 2021) for the 2020-2021 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions second ordinary term march 2021


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term 2021) for the 2020-2021 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions second ordinary term march 2021


Published the definitive list of admitted students (special admissions period February 2021) for the 2020-2021 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions, special admissions period February 2021


Published the provisional list of admitted students (special admissions period February 2021) for the 2020-2021 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions, special admissions period February 2021


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2020-2021 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions first ordinary term September 2020


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions first ordinary term) for the 2020-2021 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions first ordinary term September 2020


Published the definitive list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2019-2020 academic year:

PhD program Computing - definitive list of admissions second ordinary term March 2020


Published the provisional list of admitted students (new admissions second ordinary term) for the 2019-2020 academic year:

PhD program Computing - provisional list of admissions second ordinary term March 2020


Seminar/conference announcement "Embedding Graphs to the String Space to Support Succinct Representation of Graph Properties"
Speaker: Dr. AnssiYli-Jyrä, Universityof Helsinki

Thursday, November 12, 2019, 11:00, Aula de Grados, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: Classical formal language theory concerns subsets of a finitely generated free monoid. In this presentation, I define the universe of graphs as an infinitely generated free monoid, whose generator has a string representation as an indexed language. I also show that a particularly bounded height-deterministic context-free subset represents a generator for a proper superset of the crossing graphs and that a more bounded regular subset represents a generator that is sufficient for representing observed dependency trees of natural language syntax as strings. Such embedding of graphs to height-deterministic languages suggests that efficiently decidable fragments of monadic second-order logic over graphs could be pursued and implemented via the closure properties of height-deterministic context-free languages.

(This conference is associated with the formation activities of doctoral students).

Publicada la lista definitiva de admitidos (nuevas admisiones primer plazo ordinario) para el curso 2019-2020:

Programa Computación lista provisional admisiones primer plazo ordinario septiembre 2019


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones primer plazo ordinario) para el curso 2019-2020:

Programa Computación lista provisional admisiones primer plazo ordinario septiembre 2019


Anuncio seminario/conferencia "Asprin: Answer Set Programming with Preferences"
Conferenciante: Javier Romero, University of Potsdam, Germany

Jueves 12 de septiembre de 2019, 11:30, Aula de Grados, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well established approach to declarative problem solving, combining a rich yet simple modeling language with high-performance solving capacities. In this talk we will present asprin, a general, flexible and extensible framework for preferences in ASP. asprin is general and captures many of the existing approaches to preferences. It is flexible, because it allows for the combination of different types of preferences. It is also extensible, allowing for an easy implementation of new approaches to preferences. We will also describe the latest extensions of the framework: new solving methods based on the approximation of preferences, and the integration in asprin of CP-nets, a formalism for representing conditional preferences.

(Este seminario está asociado a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Anuncio seminario/conferencia "Estructuras de datos compactas y su impacto: algunos casos de éxito en el mundo Big data"
Conferenciante: Gonzalo Navarro (Universidad de Chile)

Viernes 19 de julio de 2019, 11:00, Aula 2.1, Facultad de Informática

Resumen: Las estructuras de datos compactas son una respuesta al desafío de Big Data: manejar los datos en forma comprimida sin descomprimirlos nunca. Así, se usa espacio proporcional a la cantidad de información que realmente contienen los datos, y no a su representación clásica, que puede usar mucho más espacio. Las representaciones compactas permiten operar los datos en memorias menores y más rápidas, aprovechando el creciente salto entre los niveles de la jerarquía de memoria. En esta charla revisaremos una serie de casos de éxito de esta tecnología y su proyección para enfrentar el diluvio de datos.

(Este seminario está asociado a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Anuncio conferencia "On causal mechanisms and causal processes for actual causation"
Conferenciante: Marc Denecker (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

Viernes 20 de junio de 2019, 11:00, Aula de Grados, Facultad de Informática

Resumen: I report on ongoing work on causal reasoning. In the scientific study of causal reasoning, a key question is the one of actual causation: what does it mean to say that "A causes B"? Very often, informal discussions of causal domains explain a causal problem in terms of the causal process(es) that takes place in it. It is perhaps striking then that in several mainstream causal reasoning formalisms, the causal process is absent. In this talk, I will explore an approach in which causal processes and causal mechanisms are first class citizens. I hope to show that this causal process based approach is a great help to analyze a causal question and I will propose a graphical notation for causal processes to this aim. I hope to show that this approach helps to unravel different informal notions of actual causation. That it solves a subtle ambiguity problem that emerges in structural equation modelling and other causal reasoning formalisms. I hope to discuss such questions as: what is a causal mechanism? How does it differ from a causal law? Is my approach reductive or is it (viciously) circular? How can we empirically verify a causal mechanism? Is this approach leading to a regularity-based, a factual or a counterfactual notion of actual causation? What about transivity of actual causation? What is the link with NESS, INUS, MINUS, causal networks? What is the link with logic programming or answer-set programming based approaches to causality?

(Esta conferencia está asociada a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Anuncio seminario

Uncertainty in Quantum Rule-Based Systems

Profesor: Vicente Moret
Fecha y horas: 24/05/2019, de 10:30 a 12:30.
Lugar: aula 3.3.a

(Este seminario está asociado a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Publicada la lista definitiva de admitidos (nuevas admisiones segundo plazo ordinario) para el curso 2018-2019:

Programa Computación lista definitiva admisiones segundo plazo ordinario marzo 2019


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones segundo plazo ordinario) para el curso 2018-2019:

Programa Computación lista provisional admisiones segundo plazo ordinario marzo 2019


Anuncio conferencia "Automatic Program Rewriting in Non-Ground Answer Set Programs"
Conferenciante: Yuliya Lierler (University of Nebraska Omaha, EEUU)

Viernes 18 de enero de 2019, 11:00, Aula de Grados, Facultad de Informática

Resumen: Answer set programming is a popular constraint programming paradigm that has seen wide use across various industry applications. However, logic programs under answer set semantics often require careful design and nontrivial expertise from a programmer to obtain satisfactory solving times. In order to reduce this burden on a software engineer we propose an automated rewriting technique for non-ground logic programs that we implement in a system Projector. We conduct rigorous experimental analysis, which shows that applying system Projector to a logic program can improve its performance, even after significant human-performed optimizations

(Esta Conferencia está asociada a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Anuncio seminario "Equilibrium Logic, Here and There"
Conferenciante: Pedro Cabalar (UDC)

Martes 20 de Noviembre de 2018, Seminario 4.1, Facultad de Informática

En este curso se revisarán los conceptos básicos y las propiedades de la Lógica de Equilibrio [Pearce 96], subyacente al paradigma de programación lógica conocido como Answer Set Programming (ASP) y utilizado para la representación del conocimiento y la resolución de problemas en Inteligencia Artificial. Esta lógica permite caracterizar ASP mediante una selección de modelos de entre los definidos por una lógica intermedia conocida como Logic of Here and There [Heyting 30]. Usando esta definición es posible estudiar propiedades fundamentales de los programas ASP tales como la equivalencia fuerte, es decir, la propiedad mediante la cual dos (sub)programas se comportan del mismo modo independientemente del contexto en el que se hallen incluidos.

(Esta conferencia es opcional a para los alumnos de doctorado).


Publicada la lista definitiva de admitidos (nuevas admisiones primer plazo ordinario) para el curso 2018-2019:

Programa Computación lista provisional admisiones primer plazo ordinario septiembre 2018


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones primer plazo ordinario) para el curso 2018-2019:

Programa Computación lista provisional admisiones primer plazo ordinario septiembre 2018


Publicadas las fechas de admisión y matrícula en dos periodos ordinarios para el curso 2018-2019:


Anuncio conferencia "Indexación de colecciones altamente repetitivas"
Conferenciante: Gonzalo Navarro (Universidad de Chile)

Jueves 19 de julio de 2018, 12:00, Seminario 3.1

Resumen: Las colecciones de genomas de individuos de una misma especie constituyen colecciones muy repetitivas, dado que todos ellos comparten una proporción muy importante del genoma. Por ello, para indexar dichas colecciones se puede usar esa propiedad de alta repetición para que la colección completa y el propio índice se puedan representar de modo comprimido.Hay que entender que dicha indexación es crucial para facilitar la investigación en genómica en la que la búsqueda de subcadenas idénticas, (o que se diferencien en pocos términos) a una dada como consulta es una tarea habitual que os investigadores necesitan. La tecnología actual de alineamiento de genomas se basa precisamente en técnicas de indexación como el FM-index. Sin embargo, dichas técnicas de indexación no explotan adecuadamente la alta repetitividad de las colecciones, que es lo que se trata de explotar ahora para crear toda una nueva generación de técnicas de indexación.

(Esta Conferencia está asociada a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Anuncio conferencia "Aprendizaje por refuerzo para la construcción de bancos de prueba en Recuperación de Información"
Conferenciante: David E. Losada (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)

Jueves 15 de marzo de 2018, 13:00, Aula de Grados, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: En esta charla, describiré avances recientes realizados por nuestro grupo en el uso de aprendizaje por refuerzo para la construcción de colecciones de prueba en Recuperación de Información (RI). La evaluación de los sistemas de RI es crucial para avanzar en el campo de las tecnologías de búsqueda. Una estrategia típica de evaluación consiste en recopilar grandes colecciones de documentos, generar consultas de usuario y construir juicios de relevancia (con la ayuda de asesores humanos). Trabajando a gran escala, realizar juicios exhaustivos de relevancia es inviable. Por ello, sólo una muestra de documentos de la colección puede ser juzgada. La elección de qué documentos se juzgan es fundamental para reducir el esfuerzo necesario para encontrar documentos relevantes a cada consulta de la colección de prueba. Se trata de un proceso iterativo que, de modo natural, puede ser modelado como un problema de aprendizaje por refuerzo. En la charla describiré innovadores métodos de adjudicación de documentos para obtener juicios de relevancia basados en Bandidos Bayesianos ("Bayesian Multi-Armed Bandits"). Estos modelos no sólo son valiosos desde un punto de vista formal sino que dan lugar a métodos muy efectivos de asignación de juicios de relevancia. De hecho el algoritmo publicado por Losada, Parapar y Barreiro [ACM SAC 2016, IP&M 2017] ha sido adoptado por el NIST como método de pooling en la TREC CORE Track 2017. (Esta Conferencia está asociada a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Publicada la lista definitiva de admitidos (nuevas admisiones plazo extraordinario Febrero 2018) para el curso 2017-2018:

Programa Computación lista definitiva admisiones plazo extraordinario Febrero 2018


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones plazo extraordinario Febrero 2018) para el curso 2017-2018:

Programa Computación lista provisional admisiones plazo extraordinario Febrero 2018


Anuncio conferencia "A Survey on Finite Traces in Temporal Logics"

Conferenciante: Anna Schuhmann (UNIVERSITY OF POTSDAM / VOLKSWAGEN)

Viernes10 de noviembre de 2017, 10:30, Seminario 4.1, Facultad de Informática

Abstract: In this talk we will summarise the main definitions and properties of a variant of the well-known Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL), used in Computer Science for formal verification, knowledge representation and planning. In this variant (called LTLf ) the traces (i.e., sequences of states used as main semantic constructs) are finite, unlike standard LTL, where they have an infinite length. Under this assumption of finite traces, some of the main features of LTL are still preserved but, as we will see with several examples, the meaning of many typical formalisations of temporal properties can be substantially different. In the last part of the talk, we will provide a preliminary semantic definition of a temporal extension of logic programming that also uses the underlying assumption of finite traces, exploring the behaviour of some examples of temporal logic programs under this new semantics.

(Esta Conferencia está asociada a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).

Publicada la lista definitiva de admitidos (nuevas admisiones primer plazo) para el curso 2017-2018:

Programa Computación Lista definitiva Admisiones_2017_2018


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones primer plazo) para el curso 2017-2018:

Programa Computación Lista provisional Admisiones_2017_2018


Publicadas las fechas de admisión y matrícula en dos periodos ordinarios para el curso 2017-2018, junto al calendario académico:


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones) para el curso 2016-2017:

Programa Computación Lista provisional Admisiones_2016_2017


Publicadas las fechas de admisión y matrícula en dos periodos ordinarios para el curso 2016-2017:


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones) para el curso 2015-2016:

Programa Computación Lista provisional Admisiones


Publicadas las fechas de admisión y matrícula en dos periodos ordinarios para el curso 2015-2016:


Anuncio conferencia "Sentiment Analysis for Social Web Texts: The SentiStrength Approach"

Conferenciante: Mike Thelwall (Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group, University of Wolverhampton, UK)

Viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015, 12:00, Aula de Graos Víctor Gulías

Resumen: SentiStrength ( es una herramienta de análisis de sentimientos optimizada para el procesado de  los textos informales de la web social, donde uno no espera encontrarse con la ortografía y la gramática estándar pero sí con emoticonos, ortografía enfática y otras características propias de este tipo de textos. SentiStrength utiliza un enfoque léxico complementado por una serie de reglas adicionales para preguntas, negación y modismos; y produce una doble salida que indica la fuerza del sentimiento positivo y negativo de cada texto, en consonancia con las investigaciones en psicología que indican que los seres humanos procesamos con cierta independencia los sentimiento positivos y negativos. La versión principal de SentiStrength está en Inglés, pero también hay versiones en otros cinco idiomas, entre ellos el español, y versiones básicas en otros dieciocho idiomas.

En la charla se describirán algunas de las aplicaciones de SentiStrength, como el análisis de las preguntas y respuestas planteadas en Yahoo!, y los juegos de luz en el London Eye que mostraron el estado de opinión expresado en los medios web de comunicación social sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres durante su celebración en 2012. También se abordarán algunos de los desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos al trabajar con textos que tratan temas muy específicos o que utilizan expresiones de sentimiento idiomáticas o poco frecuentes.

(Esta Conferencia está asociada a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones en 2º plazo - Febrero 2015) para el curso 2014-2015:

Programa Computación Lista provisional Admisiones


Anuncio seminario "Fundamentos de Computación Cuántica"

Profesor: Vicente Moret
Fecha y horas: 21/01/2015, de 9:30 a 13:30.
Lugar: aula 2.1.a


Publicada la lista provisional de admitidos (nuevas admisiones) para el curso 2014-2015:

Programa Computación Lista provisional Admisiones


Lista de renovaciones (programas anteriores al RD 2011) para el curso 2014-2015:

Programa Computación Lista renovaciones solicitadas


Publicadas las fechas de admisión y matrícula en dos periodos ordinarios para el curso 2014-2015:


Publicadas (18 de Octubre de 2013) las listas definitivas de admitidos (nuevas admisiones y renovaciones):

Programa Computación_Lista definitiva_Admisiones

Programa Computación_Lista definitiva_Renovaciones


Anuncio Conferencia profesor Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Suecia) el Viernes 18 de Octubre de 2013, a las 12h, aula de Grados Víctor Gulías:

Título: Training Deterministic Parsers Using Non-Deterministic Oracles

Abstract: Greedy transition-based dependency parsers are among the fastest available systems for natural language parsing but tend to suffer from search errors and subsequent error propagation. This problem is aggravated by the fact that they are normally trained using oracles that are deterministic and incomplete in the sense that they assume a unique canonical derivation and are only valid as long as the parser does not stray from this path. In this talk, I will introduce oracles that are nondeterministic and complete in the sense that they allow different derivations of the same parse tree and make optimal predictions for all parser states, including states from which the gold parse is no longer reachable. Experimental evaluation on a wide range of data sets shows that using these oracles to train greedy parsers gives substantial improvements in accuracy because of reduced error propagation. Moreover, this improvement comes at no cost in terms of efficiency, unlike other techniques like beam search.

Hora: 12:00 a 13:00

(Esta Conferencia está asociada a las actividades formativas de los alumnos de doctorado).




Publicadas (3 de Octubre de 2013) las listas provisionales de admitidos (nuevas admisiones y renovaciones):

Programa Computación_Lista provisional Admisiones

Programa Computación_Lista provisional Renovaciones


Publicadas las fechas de admisión y matrícula en dos periodos ordinarios para el curso 2013-2014: