The PhD program in Computing is an official university degree which addresses the research training in advanced computing. It belongs to the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector and has an important component of scientific focus in which the generation of new knowledge is given priority, without forgetting the innovative application of the existing knowledge or the entrepreneurial spirit. Its aim is to train in research methodology competences, to develop a high quality research work and to foster the generation and interpretation of knew knowledge by means of the elaboration of an original research work which constitutes the final PhD thesis
The development of the call by some "Information Society" and by others "Knowledge Society", has turned the computer and telecommunications sector into one of the most active, fastest growing and more specific weight on indicators macroeconomic indicators of all advanced countries. The European Commission has shown in recent years a special interest in jobs / research related to the Information Society, through the promotion of the use of new technologies in all social areas (eGoverment, eLearning, eHealth and eBusiness, etc.). The ICT PhD program is an official university degree which addresses the research in such issues