Lab Assignment #1

Wire routing

Temporal ASP


In this second assignment we will use telingo  to solve a variant of the wire routing problem as a multi-robot planning problem. Given a rectangular grid, the problem consists in joining pairs of points (named with the same letter {a,b,c,...} ) with a continuous line that does not intersect with lines for other pairs. Some of the grid cells are marked as obstacles.

The input will be given as a text file where the two first lines respectively contain the number of rows and columns of the grid. We use "." to represent an (initially) empty cell, "#" to represent an obstacle and letters {a,b,c,...} to mark pairs of points to be joined. The output is a text file where each "wire" is traced using the corresponding letter. As an example:

Initial configuration:
two wires, a and b, are needed
A possible solution

What to do

Encode the problem in telingo, treating each wire as a moving robot that leaves a wire portion behind. You will need a preprocessing step for transforming the input into facts and a post-processing step for decoding your problem representation and printing the final map. These two steps can be programmed in any standard programming language (java, C, python, etc).

File will contain a set of benchmarks of different sizes. Solutions are not included: several minimal solutions can be obtained.

Assessment & delivery

The maximum grade for this exercise is 0,95 points = 9,5% of the course. The deadline for delivery is Friday, April 26th, 2019 using the MOODLE assignment. When grouping by pairs of students, the same group configuration of assignment 1 must be repeated. If so, only one student is required to deliver the files in moodle, but all source files must contain the names of the two group members.

Delivery: upload all files in a .zip including a README.txt describing how to compile and execute the code. Regardless of the programming language you choose, avoid using non-standard libraries.

Maintained by Pedro Cabalar. Last update 22/3/2019