Lab Assignment #1

Binairo puzzle



This assignment consists in solving the Binairo puzzle (see here an online game), also called Takuzu, and described as follows. We have a grid of n x n cells that may contain a white circle or a black circle. The initial configuration provides some cell values and the rest must be filled with circles according to the following rules:
  1. Each row and each column must contain the same number of circles of each color, that is, n/2 instances of each case.
  2. There cannot be more than 2 consecutive circles of the same color in any direction (vertical or horizontal).
  3. There cannot be two rows or two columns with the same configuration.
An example of initial configuration and the corresponding solution can be seen below.

initial solved
Initial configuration
Solved puzzle

What to do

We will encode the scenario both as a SAT problem and as an ASP program.
  1. SAT: write a program called binairo in any programming language of your choice (C, java, python, caml, prolog, etc) and used as:

    binairo <inputfile>

    This takes an ASCII file <inputfile> with the initial grid where each cell contains a character: '0' (a white circle), '1' (a black circle) or '.' (an empty cell to be filled). The first line contains an even number n>=2 specifying the number of rows and columns (we have a square grid). For instance, the example in the picture above would be represented as:

    Your program will generate a DIMACS file (as explained in class) and make an external call to clasp to get a solution. It will also decode back the clasp output and print the complete solution as follows:

  2. ASP: write an ASP encoding of the same problem and use clingo to solve the puzzle. In this case, the pretty printing is not needed (assuming that the predicate representation you choose is meaningful and readable) but you will need an extra program to transform the input files into ASP facts for the representation you choose.

File contains a set of benchmarks of different sizes (n=6,8,10,14,20), where domX.txt is the input file and solX.txt its corresponding solution.

Assessment & delivery

The maximum grade for this exercise is 0,7 points = 7% of the course. The deadline for delivery is Wednesday, March 22nd March 27th, 2019 using the MOODLE assignment. Exercises can be made by groups of 2 students at most. If so, only one student is required to deliver the files in moodle, but all source files must contain the names of the two group members.

Delivery: upload all files in a .zip including a README.txt describing how to compile the code for the SAT interface programs. Regardless of the programming language you choose, avoid using non-standard libraries.

Maintained by Pedro Cabalar. Last update 20/3/2019