Library lemma_cong_red2_tes

Require Export congr_y_red2_tes.

Inductive common_succ [F:(list pol);g,h:pol]: Prop:=
           common_succ_red: (p:pol)(Red3 F g p)->(Red3 F h p)->(common_succ F g h).
Hints Resolve common_succ_red.

Inductive common_succ_step [f1,f,g:pol]: Prop:=
   common_succ_step_red: (h,p:pol)(full_term_pol h)->
    (full_term_pol p)->(red f1 (suma_app f h) p)->
     (red f1 (suma_app g h) p)->(common_succ_step f1 f g).

Lemma common_is_Red_equiv : (f,g:pol)(F:(list pol))
 (common_succ F f g)->
           (Red_equiv F f g).
(Intros f g F c; Inversion c).
Apply Red_equiv_tran with p; Auto.
Hints Resolve common_is_Red_equiv.

Lemma trans_equiv_common: (f,g,h:pol)(F:(list pol))
 (Red_equiv F f g)->
   (common_succ F g h)->
           (Red_equiv F f h).
Intros f g h F e c.
(Apply Red_equiv_tran with g; Auto).

Hints Resolve trans_equiv_common.

Lemma conmt_common_succ: (p,q:pol)(F:(list pol))(common_succ F p q)->
   (common_succ F q p).
Induction 1.
Exists p0; Assumption.
Hints Resolve conmt_common_succ.

Lemma trans_common_red:(f,g,h:pol)(F:(list pol))
 (Red1 F h f)->(common_succ F g f)->
    (common_succ F g h).
Inversion H0.
(Apply common_succ_red with p; Trivial).
(Apply Red3_tran with f; Trivial).
(Apply Red3_ste; Trivial).
Hints Resolve trans_common_red.

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