Library impl_large

Require Export red_expl.

Lemma basic3_full: (h,f,g:pol)(F:(list pol_full))
  (Red1 (inc_list F) f g)->(full_term_pol h)->
     (x,y:pol_full)(equpol (inc x) (suma_app f h))->
        (equpol (inc y) (suma_app g h))->(common_succ_full F x y).

Elim basic3 with h f g (inc_list F); Trivial; Intros.
Elim (can_fun p); Trivial; Intros.
Elim p0; Intros.
Clear p0.
Split with (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x0 H5); Simpl.
Apply Red3_ext1 with p; Auto.
Apply Red3_ext2 with (suma_app f h); Auto.

Apply Red3_ext2 with (suma_app g h); Auto.
Apply Red3_ext1 with p; Auto.

Inversion H3; Auto.

Lemma basic4_full: (f,g:pol_full)(F:(list pol_full))
(Red3 (inc_list F) (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (inc g))) vpol)->
      (common_succ_full F f g).
Elim basic4 with (inc f) (inc g) (inc_list F); Auto; Intros.
Elim (can_fun p); Trivial; Intros.
Elim p0; Intros.
Clear p0.
Split with (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x H2); Simpl.
Apply Red3_ext1 with p; Auto.

Apply Red3_ext1 with p; Auto.

Inversion H0; Auto.

Lemma G2_impl_G3_LCR_full: (F:(list pol_full))(Groebner2_full F)->
   ((f,g,h:pol_full)(Red1 (inc_list F) (inc f) (inc g))->
      (Red1 (inc_list F) (inc f) (inc h))->(common_succ_full F g h)).

Intros F Gb2.
Induction 1; Intros fF fi pfiF rfifg.
Induction 1; Intros fF' fj pfjF rfjfh.
Inversion rfifg.
Inversion rfjfh.
Clear H0 fF' H.
Cut (full n t).
Intro ft.
Cut (full n t0).
Intros ft0.
Cut (full_term_pol (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)).
Intros fct.
Cut (full_term_pol (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)).
Intros fct0.
Cut (full n (div_term t (hterm fi))).
Intros ftht.
Cut (full_term_pol
     (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))).
Intros fficht.
Cut (full_term_pol (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
                      ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))).
Intros fsucfi.
Cut (full n (div_term t0 (hterm fj))).
Intros ftht0.
Cut (full_term_pol
     (mult_m fj ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))).
Intros ffjcht.
Cut (full_term_pol (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
                      ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))).
Intros fsucfj.
Cut (t=(hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol))).
Intros htt.
Cut (t0=(hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol))).
Intros htt0.
Elim (Ttm_total t0 t n); Trivial.

Destruct 1; Intros.
Clear a.
Elim split_pol with (inc f) t; Trivial.

Intros f1 hf1.
Elim hf1; Intros ff1 f1t'.
Clear hf1.
Cut (full_term_pol (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
    (pol_opp (mult_m fi((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))))).
Intros ff1cfi.
Elim H; Intros f2 hf2 eqf.
Elim hf2; Intros ff2 htermf2.
Clear hf2.
Clear H.
Cut (full_term_pol (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
           ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))).
Intros ff2cfj.
Cut (red fi (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
      (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
            ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Intros.
Cut (red fj f2
      (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
          ((divQ (coef f2 t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))); Intros.
Cut (equpol (inc g) (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol) f2))
                        (pol_opp (mult_m fi
          ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Intros.
Cut (equpol (inc g) (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
                                               (pol_opp (mult_m fi
      ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))) f2)); Intros.
Cut (equpol (inc h) (suma_app (suma_app f1 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol))
      (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Intros.
Cut (red fi (inc h) (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
 (pol_opp (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))))
                        (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
         ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Intros.

Elim (can_fun (suma_app (suma_app f1
                                (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
 (pol_opp (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))) f2)); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Elim (can_fun (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
   (pol_opp (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))))
                    (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
          ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Cut (common_succ_full F (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x H19)
  (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x0 H21)); Intros.

Apply comp_common_succ_full with p:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x H19) r:=h; Auto.
Apply equpol_tran
 with (suma_app
        (suma_app f1
          (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
              (mult_m fi
                ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                 (div_term t (hterm fi))))))) f2); Auto.

Apply trans_common_red_full
 with f:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x0 H21).

Apply Red1_simp with f:=fi; Auto.
Apply red_ext1
 with (suma_app
        (suma_app f1
          (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
              (mult_m fi
                ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                 (div_term t (hterm fi)))))))
        (suma_app f2
            (mult_m fj
              ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
               (div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))); Auto.


Elim (can_fun (suma_app f2 (suma_app f1
   (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
    (pol_opp (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))))); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Elim (can_fun (suma_app (suma_app f2
     (pol_opp (mult_m fj ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))
               (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
                ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))))); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Apply comp_common_succ_full with p:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x1 H23) r:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x2 H25); Auto.

Apply equpol_tran
 with (suma_app f2
        (suma_app f1
          (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
              (mult_m fi
                ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                 (div_term t (hterm fi)))))))); Auto.
Apply equpol_tran
 with (suma_app
        (suma_app f1
          (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
              (mult_m fi
                ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                 (div_term t (hterm fi))))))) f2); Auto.

Apply equpol_tran
 with (suma_app
        (suma_app f2
            (mult_m fj
              ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
               (div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))
        (suma_app f1
          (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
              (mult_m fi
                ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                 (div_term t (hterm fi)))))))); Auto.
Apply equpol_tran
 with (suma_app
        (suma_app f1
          (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
              (mult_m fi
                ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                 (div_term t (hterm fi)))))))
        (suma_app f2
            (mult_m fj
              ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
               (div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))); Auto.

Apply basic3_full
 with h:=(suma_app f1
           (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
               (mult_m fi
                 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                  (div_term t (hterm fi))))))) f:=f2
      g:=(suma_app f2
             (mult_m fj
               ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                (div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))).
Apply Red1_simp with fj; Trivial.
Apply red_ext1
 with (suma_app f2
          (mult_m fj
            ((divQ (coef f2 t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))));
Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Split; Trivial.

Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.
Apply coef_Ttm_split_pol with f1:=f1 t:=t; Trivial.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.



Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply red_ext2 with (suma_app (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
                                        (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))) f1); Trivial.

Apply equpol_sym.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol))
                                 (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
                                              (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
            ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Auto.

Apply red_ext1 with (suma_app (suma_app (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
       (pol_opp (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))
                                        (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
                 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))) f1).
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f1 (suma_app (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)
       (pol_opp (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))
                                              (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
                 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Auto.
Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.
Apply basic2; Trivial.

Apply hred_suma_bis; Trivial.

Apply hred1_simpl; Trivial.

Apply n_zmonom_n_vpol; Auto.

Replace (hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)) with t; Trivial.

Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Replace (hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)) with t; Trivial.
Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.
Replace (hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)) with t.

Apply no_hterm_Ttm_in_red_bis with f2 (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))) fj; Trivial.

Apply red_ext1 with (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef f2 t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Split; Trivial.

Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.
Apply coef_Ttm_split_pol with f1:=f1 t:=t; Trivial.

Cut (Ttm t t2); Intros.
Cut (term_in_pol (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol) t') \/
    (term_in_pol (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
      ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))) t'); Intros.
Elim H21; Intros.
Cut t=t'; Intros.
Rewrite <- H23; Auto.

Apply eq_term_in_pol_monom with (coef (inc f) t); Trivial.
Apply full_coef with (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol); Trivial.

Clear H21.
Apply Ttm_trans with t n; Trivial.

Cut (term_in_pol f2 t')\/(term_in_pol (pol_opp (mult_m fj
     ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))) t'); Intros.
Elim H21; Intros; Clear H21; Auto.

Clear H22.
Cut (term_in_pol (mult_m fj ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                             (div_term t0 (hterm fj)))) t'); Intros.
Apply term_in_Ttm with fj t0 (coef (inc f) t0); Trivial.

Apply full_coef with (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))); Trivial.

Apply term_in_pol_opp; Auto.

Apply term_in_sum; Trivial.

Apply full_coef with (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))); Trivial.
Apply full_coef with f1; Trivial.

Apply term_in_sum; Trivial.


Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app
   (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol) f2)) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))).
Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (suma_app f1
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)) f2) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))); Auto.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol) f2)) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))).
Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (suma_app f1
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)) f2) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
   ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))).
Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.


Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (suma_app f1
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol)) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))) f2).
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol))
   (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
     ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t),t) vpol))
   (suma_app (pol_opp (mult_m fi
     ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))) f2)); Auto.
Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Auto.

Apply red1_simpl with t0; Auto.

Apply split_term_in_pol with f1 (coef (inc f) t) t;Trivial.
Apply comp_term_in_pol with (inc f); Trivial.
Apply red1_simpl with t; Trivial.


Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.
Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Split; Trivial.

Elim (eq_tm_dec t t); Intros; Auto.

Elim b; Auto.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_opp.
Apply full_mult_m; Trivial.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply conmt_common_succ_full.
Clear a.
Elim split_pol with (inc f) t0; Trivial; Intros f1 hf1.
Elim hf1; Intros ff1 f1t'.
Clear hf1.
Elim H; Intros f2 hf2 eqf.
Elim hf2; Intros ff2 htermf2.
Clear hf2.
Clear H.
Cut (full_term_pol (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
    (pol_opp (mult_m fj((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))).
Intros ff1cfj.
Cut (full_term_pol (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
           ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))).
Intros ff2cfi.
Cut (red fj (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
        (pol_opp (mult_m fj
          ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))); Intros.
Cut (red fi f2 (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
             ((divQ (coef f2 t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Intros.
Cut (equpol (inc g) (suma_app
        (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) f2))
        (pol_opp (mult_m fi
              ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Intros.
Cut (equpol (inc h) (suma_app (suma_app f1 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol))
                        (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fj
         ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Intros.
Cut (equpol (inc h) (suma_app (suma_app f1
  (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
   ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))) f2)); Intros.
Cut (red fj (inc g) (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
      (pol_opp (mult_m fj
        ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))
     (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
            ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))))); Intros.

Elim (can_fun (suma_app f2 (suma_app f1 (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))))); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Elim (can_fun (suma_app (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))
     (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))))); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Cut (common_succ_full F (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x H19)
  (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x0 H21)); Intros.
Apply comp_common_succ_full with p:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x H19) r:=g; Auto.
Apply equpol_sym.
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f2
            (suma_app f1
              (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                  (mult_m fj
                    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                     (div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Auto.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app
            (suma_app f1
              (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                  (mult_m fj
                    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                     (div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))) f2); Auto.

Apply trans_common_red_full
 with f:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x0 H21).

Apply Red1_simp with f:=fj; Auto.
Apply red_ext1
 with (suma_app
            (suma_app f1
              (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                  (mult_m fj
                    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                     (div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))
            (suma_app f2
                (mult_m fi
                  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                   (div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Auto.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app
            (suma_app f2
                (mult_m fi
                  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                   (div_term t (hterm fi))))))
            (suma_app f1
              (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                  (mult_m fj
                    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                     (div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Auto.

Elim (can_fun (suma_app f2 (suma_app f1
       (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
                   ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))))); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Elim (can_fun (suma_app (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
                 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))
     (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
      ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))))); Trivial; Intros.

Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.

Apply comp_common_succ_full with p:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x1 H23) r:=(exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x2 H25); Auto.
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f2
            (suma_app f1
              (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                  (mult_m fj
                    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                     (div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Auto.
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app
            (suma_app f2
                (mult_m fi
                  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                   (div_term t (hterm fi))))))
            (suma_app f1
              (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                  (mult_m fj
                    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                     (div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))))); Auto.

Apply basic3_full
 with h:=(suma_app f1
              (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                  (mult_m fj
                    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),
                     (div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))) f:=f2
      g:=(suma_app f2
                (mult_m fi
                  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),
                   (div_term t (hterm fi)))))).

Apply Red1_simp with fi; Trivial.

Apply red_ext1 with (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
            ((divQ (coef f2 t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Split; Trivial.

Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.

Apply coef_Ttm_split_pol with f1:=f1 t:=t0; Trivial.
Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.
Simpl; Auto.
Apply full_term_suma_app; Auto.
Apply full_term_suma_app; Auto.
Apply full_term_suma_app; Auto.
Apply full_term_suma_app; Auto.

Apply red_ext2 with (suma_app (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
                                        (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
   ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))) f1); Trivial.
Apply equpol_sym.
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) f2)) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f1 (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (suma_app f2 (pol_opp
 (mult_m fi ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app
  (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) f2)) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
           ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)) (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
        ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (suma_app f1
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)) f2) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
           ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Auto.

Apply red_ext1 with (suma_app (suma_app (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
  (pol_opp (mult_m fj ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))
    (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
                  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))) f1).
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f1 (suma_app (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
   ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))
 (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
               ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))))); Auto.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Auto.

Apply basic2; Trivial.

Apply hred_suma_bis.
Apply hred1_simpl; Trivial.

Apply n_zmonom_n_vpol; Auto.

Replace (hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)) with t0; Trivial.

Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Replace (hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)) with t0; Trivial.

Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_opp; Trivial.

Replace (hterm (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)) with t0.
Apply no_hterm_Ttm_in_red_bis with f2 (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))) fi; Trivial.

Apply red_ext1 with (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
       ((divQ (coef f2 t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Split; Trivial.

Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.

Apply coef_Ttm_split_pol with f1:=f1 t:=t0; Trivial.

Cut (Ttm t0 t2); Intros.
Cut (term_in_pol (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) t')\/
    (term_in_pol (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
      ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))) t');Intros.
Elim H21; Intros.
Cut t0=t'; Intros.
Rewrite <- H23; Auto.

Apply eq_term_in_pol_monom with (coef (inc f) t0);Trivial.

Apply full_coef with (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol); Trivial.

Clear H21.
Apply Ttm_trans with t0 n; Trivial.

Cut (term_in_pol f2 t')\/(term_in_pol (pol_opp (mult_m fi
     ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))) t'); Intros.
Elim H21; Intros; Clear H21; Auto.

Clear H22.
Cut (term_in_pol (mult_m fi
 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))) t'); Intros.
Apply term_in_Ttm with fi t (coef (inc f) t);Trivial.

Apply full_coef with (mult_m fi
                 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))); Trivial.


Apply term_in_sum; Trivial.

Apply full_coef with (suma_app f2 (pol_opp (mult_m fi
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Apply full_coef with f1; Trivial.

Apply term_in_sum; Trivial.


Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app f1 (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) f2))
  (pol_opp (mult_m fj ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))).
Apply equpol_ss; Auto.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f1 (suma_app (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) f2) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
           ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app f1 (suma_app (suma_app
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
   ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))) f2)).
Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) (suma_app f2 (pol_opp
   (mult_m fj ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)
 (suma_app (pol_opp (mult_m fj
           ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj))))) f2)); Auto.


Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (suma_app f1
 (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol)) f2) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
         ((divQ (coef (inc f) t0) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t0 (hterm fj)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with
   (suma_app f1 (suma_app (cpol ((coef (inc f) t0),t0) vpol) f2)); Auto.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
       ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Auto.

Apply red1_simpl with t; Trivial.

Apply split_term_in_pol with f1 (coef (inc f) t0) t0;Trivial.

Apply comp_term_in_pol with (inc f); Trivial.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_opp.
Apply full_mult_m; Trivial.

Apply red1_simpl with t0; Trivial.


Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp.
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Split; Trivial.

Elim (eq_tm_dec t0 t0); Auto; Intros.

Elim b; Auto.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_opp; Trivial.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Rewrite b in H14.
Rewrite b in H13.
Cut (equpol (suma_app (inc g) (pol_opp (inc h))) (mult_m (S_pol fj fi)
             ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)))))); Intros.
Red in Gb2. Elim Gb2; Intros.
Clear H0.

Apply basic4_full; Trivial.
Apply Red3_ext2
 with (mult_m (S_pol fj fi)
        ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)))));
Apply Red3_vpol_mult_m.
Elim (can_fun fj); Trivial; Intros.
Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.
Elim (can_fun fi); Trivial; Intros.
Elim p; Intros.
Clear p.
Cut (Red3 (inc_list F)
      (S_pol (inc (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x H0))
        (inc (exist pol [x:pol](full_pol x) x0 H17))) vpol); Intros.
Simpl in H19.
Apply Red3_ext2 with (S_pol x x0); Auto.

Apply S_pol_ext; Auto.
Cut ~(equpol fj vpol); Intros.

Apply elem_n_vpol with (inc_list F); Auto.

Cut ~(equpol fi vpol); Intros.

Apply elem_n_vpol with (inc_list F); Auto.

Apply full_term_S_pol; Auto.

Apply H15.

Apply pol_In_ensemb_ext with fj; Auto.

Apply pol_In_ensemb_ext with fi; Auto.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
      ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))
     (pol_opp ((suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fj
          ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t (hterm fj))))))))).
Apply equpol_ss; Trivial.

Apply opp_comp; Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
     ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))
                                 (suma_app (mult_m fj
    ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t (hterm fj)))) (pol_opp (inc f)))).

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (suma_app (mult_m fj
 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t (hterm fj))))
   (pol_opp (inc f))) (suma_app (inc f) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
     ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi))))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (mult_m fj
 ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fj)),(div_term t (hterm fj)))) (pol_opp (mult_m fi
           ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Unfold S_pol.
Apply equpol_tran with (suma_app (mult_m (mult_m fj
 ((divQ unQ (hcoef fj)),(div_term (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)) (hterm fj))))
 ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi))))) (mult_m (pol_opp (mult_m fi
 ((divQ unQ (hcoef fi)),(div_term (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)) (hterm fi)))))
   ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)))))).
Apply equpol_ss.
Apply equpol_tran with (mult_m fj (mult_mon
  ((divQ unQ (hcoef fj)),(div_term (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)) (hterm fj)))
   ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)))))).
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Apply simpl_term with n; Auto.
Apply lcm_div with n; Auto.

Apply eqQ_trans with (divQ (multQ unQ (coef (inc f) t)) (hcoef fj)); Auto.

Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.

Apply eqQ_sym.
Apply eqQ_trans with (multQ (coef (inc f) t) unQ); Auto.

Apply equpol_tran with (mult_m (pol_opp fi)
  ((divQ (coef (inc f) t) (hcoef fi)),(div_term t (hterm fi)))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (pol_opp (mult_m (mult_m fi
 ((divQ unQ (hcoef fi)),(div_term (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)) (hterm fi))))
  ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)))))); Trivial.

Apply equpol_tran with (pol_opp (mult_m fi (mult_mon
 ((divQ unQ (hcoef fi)),(div_term (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)) (hterm fi)))
  ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi))))))).
Apply equpol_tran with (mult_m (pol_opp fi) (mult_mon
  ((divQ unQ (hcoef fi)),(div_term (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)) (hterm fi)))
   ((coef (inc f) t),(div_term t (lcm (hterm fj) (hterm fi)))))).
Apply mult_pm_comp_2.
Apply simpl_term with n; Auto.
Apply lcm_div with n; Auto.

Apply eqQ_trans with (divQ (multQ unQ (coef (inc f) t)) (hcoef fi)); Auto.

Apply eg_denomQ; Auto.

Apply eqQ_sym.
Apply eqQ_trans with (multQ (coef (inc f) t) unQ); Auto.


Cut ~(equpol fi vpol); Intros.
Cut ~(equpol fj vpol); Intros.
Generalize fi fj H H0.
Induction fi0; Intros.
Elim H15; Auto.

Induction fj0; Intros.
Elim H17; Auto.

Simpl; Auto.

Apply elem_n_vpol with (inc_list F); Trivial.

Apply elem_n_vpol with (inc_list F); Trivial.

Apply term_monom_hterm; Auto.

Apply term_monom_hterm; Auto.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_opp; Trivial.

Apply full_mult_m; Trivial.

Apply term_div_full; Auto.

Apply full_term_suma_app; Trivial.

Apply full_term_opp; Trivial.

Apply full_mult_m; Trivial.

Apply term_div_full; Auto.

Apply full_term_pol_cons; Trivial.

Apply full_term_pol_cons; Trivial.

Apply full_coef with (inc f); Trivial.

Apply full_coef with (inc f); Trivial.
Hints Resolve G2_impl_G3_LCR_full.

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