Ejercicios prácticos

Una colección de ejemplos (basados, entre otros, en un Curso de Gilles Kahn)

El primer ejercicio consiste en responder a las preguntas recuadradas como sigue:
El segundo ejercicio consiste en responder a las preguntas recuadradas como sigue:

Empezaremos con hechos puramente lógicos. En Coq la cuantificación universal y la implicación están predefinidas. Todos los demás operadores lógicos están definidos. Todas las variables han de tener un tipo y todas las proposiciones tienen tipo Prop.
Los objetivos o conclusiones (Goals) a probar aparecen como:


Un contexto es una lista de declaraciones: variables con su tipo e hipótesis con su expresión.

Ejemplo 1:

Prompt del sistema: coqtop

Welcome to Coq V6.2.2 (September 1998)
Coq < Theorem trivial: (A: Prop) A -> A.
1 subgoal


trivial <

El problema consiste en "construir" un valor (un término) para trivial con la ayuda de las "tácticas".
La táctica Intro "empuja" variables o hipótesis al contexto.

trivial < Intros A H'; Exact H'.
Subtree proved!
trivial < Qed.
Intros A H'; Exact H'.
trivial is defined
Coq < print trivial.
trivial = [A:Prop][H':A]H': (A:Prop)A->A

Usar la táctica Assumption para buscar una hipótesis cuyo tipo coincida con el objetivo.
Usar Exact <término> si hay alguna hipótesis (término) cuyo tipo coincide con el objetivo.
Utilizar sólo la táctica Exact para probar este resultado en un solo paso

Ejemplo 2:

Coq < Variables A,B,C:Prop.
A is assumed
B is assumed
C is assumed

Coq < Goal (A->(B->C))->(A->B)->(A->C).
1 subgoal


Unnamed_thm < Intros.
1 subgoal

  H : A->B->C
  H0 : A->B
  H1 : A

Utilizar solo la tactica Exact para probar este objetivo.
Utilizar sólo la táctica Exact para probar C
 Completar la siquiente demostración usando Apply y Exact. 

Coq < Theorem resolution: (p,q:Type->Prop)(a:Type)  
(p a) -> ((x:Type)(p x)-> (q x))-> (q a). 
1 subgoal 

(p,q:Type->Prop)(a:Type)(p a)-> 
((x:Type)(p x)->(q x))->(q a)


Ejemplo 3 (Despues de ver la lección de Tipos Inductivos)

Coq < Lemma and_commutative : A/\B -> (B/\A).
1 subgoal


and_commutative < Intro.
1 subgoal

  H : A/\B

and_commutative < Elim H.

1 subgoal

  H : A/\B
 and_conmutative < Split.
2 subgoals

  H : (and A B)
  H0 : A
  H1 : B

subgoal 2 is:
 En lugar de Split, podríamos haber hecho su equivalente Intros;Apply conj. Comprobarlo y terminar la demostración
 Probar el teorema  (A,B: Prop) A /\ B -> B /\ A y comparar con el anterior.
 Ejemplo 4

Coq < Print or.
Inductive or [A:Prop; B:Prop] : Prop :=
      or_introl : A->(or A B) | or_intror : B->(or A B)
 Probar el teorema  (A,B: Prop) A \/ B -> B \/ A. 

 Después de estudiar la Lección de Tipos Inductivos 2.
 Comprobar si es cierto que Replace term1 with term2 equivale a Cut term2=term1. Intro H;Rewrite <- H; Clear H.
 Probar, utilizando Simpl el Teorema commut:(n,m:nat)(plus m n)=(plus n m)

Inductive le [n:nat] : nat -> Prop := 
  le_n : (le n n) 
 |le_S : (m:nat)(le n m)->(le n (S m)). 

Definition lt := [n,m:nat](le (S n) m). 

Definition gt := [n,m:nat](lt m n). 


(n:nat)(le O n) 

(n,m:nat)(le n (plus m n)) 

(n,m:nat)(le n (plus n m))

 Probar que (n,m:nat) (lt n m) -> (Ex [p:nat](plus n p)=m)
Definida la recursión primitiva en Coq como:

Coq < Fixpoint prim_rec [b:nat;p:nat->nat->nat;n:nat]:nat:=
Coq <    Cases n of
Coq <       O => b
Coq <  |(S x) => (p x (prim_rec b p x))
Coq < end.
prim_rec is recursively defined

y la función Prim_rec como:

Coq < Definition Prim_rec:=(nat_rec [_:nat]nat).
Prim_rec is defined

 Probar que prim_rec es la misma función que Prim_rec.

Algunas referencias

INTRO: This tactic applies to a goal which is a product. It implements the ``Lam''rule. Actually, only one subgoal will be generated since the other one can be automatically checked.
If the current goal is a dependent product (x:T)U and x is a name that does not exist in the current context, then Intro puts x:T in the local context. Otherwise, it puts xn:T where n is such that xn is a fresh name. The new subgoal is U. If the x has been renamed xn then it is replaced by xn in U.
If the goal is a non dependent product T -> U, then it puts in the local context either Hn:T (if T is Set or Prop) or Xn:T (if the type of T is Type) or ln:T with l the first letter of the type of x. n is such that Hn or Xn or ln are fresh identifiers. In both cases the new subgoal is U. If the goal is not a product, the tactic Intro fails.

Error messages:
1.Intro needs a product

It is equivalent to Repeat Intro, except that it fails when the goal is not a product.
2.Intro ident
Applies Intro but forces ident to be the name of the introduced hypothesis.
Error message: name ident is already bound
Remark: Intro doesn't check the whole current context. Actually, identifiers declared or defined in required modules can be used as ident and, in this case, the old ident of the module is no more reachable.
3.Intros ident1 ...identn
Is equivalent to the composed tactic Intro ident1; ...; Intro identn.
More generally, the Intros tactic takes a pattern as argument in order to introduce names for components of an inductive definition.
4.Intros until ident
Repeats Intro until it meets a premise of the goal having form ( ident : term ) and discharges the variable named ident of the current goal.
Error message: No such hypothesis in current goal

ASSUMPTION: This tactic applies to any goal. It implements the ``Var'' rule of typing . It looks in the local context for an hypothesis which type is equal to the goal. If it is the case, the subgoal is proved. Otherwise, it fails.

Error messages:

   1.No such assumption

EXACT <term>: This tactic applies to any goal. It gives directly the exact proof term of the goal. Let T be our goal, let p be a term of type U then Exact p succeeds iff T and U are convertible.

Error messages:

   1.Not an exact proof

APPLY <term>This tactic applies to any goal. The argument term is a term well-formed in the local context. The tactic Apply tries to match the current goal against the conclusion of the type of term. If it succeeds, then the tactic returns as many subgoals as the instantiations of the premises of the type of term.

Error messages:

1.Impossible to unify ...with ...
Since higher order unification is undecidable, the Apply tactic may fail when you think it should work. In this case, if you know that the conclusion of term and the current goal are unifiable, you can help the Apply tactic by transforming your goal with the Change or Pattern tactics.
2.Cannot refine to conclusions with meta-variables
This occurs when some instantiations of premises of term are not deducible from the unification. This is the case, for instance, when you want to apply a transitivity property. In this case, you have to use one of the variants below:


1.Apply term with term1 ...termn
Provides Apply with explicit instantiations for all dependent premises of the type of term which do not occur in the conclusion and consequently cannot be found by unification. Notice that term1 ...termn must be given according to the order of these dependent premises of the type of term.

Error message: Not the right number of missing arguments

2.Apply term with ref1 := term1 ...refn := termn
This also provides Apply with values for instantiating premises. But variables are referred by names and non dependent products by order.

3.EApply term
The tactic EApply behaves as Apply but does not fail when no instantiation are deducible for some variables in the premises. Rather, it turns these variables into so-called existential variables which are variables still to instantiate. An existential variable is identified by a name of the form ?n where n is a number. The instantiation is intended to be found later in the proof.

4.LApply term
This tactic applies to any goal, say G. The argument term has to be well-formed in the current context, its type being reducible to a non-dependent product A -> B with B possibly containing products. Then it generates two subgoals B->G and A. Applying LApply H (where H has type A->B and B does not start with a product) does the same as giving the sequence Cut B. 2:Apply H. where Cut is described below.

Warning: Be careful, when term contains more than one non dependent product the tactic LApply only takes into account the first product.

Cut form

This tactic applies to any goal. It implements the ``App'' rule. Cut U transforms the current goal T into the two following subgoals: U -> T and U.

Error messages:

1.Not a proposition or a type
Arises when the argument form is neither of type Prop, Set nor Type.

ELIM This tactic applies to any goal. The type of the argument term must be an inductive constant. Then according to the type
of the goal, the tactic Elim chooses the right destructor and applies it (as in the case of the Apply tactic). For instance,
assume that our proof context contains n:nat, assume that our current goal is T of type Prop, then Elim n is
equivalent to Apply nat_ind with n:=n.

Error messages:

   1.Not an inductive product
   2.Cannot refine to conclusions with meta-variables
     As Elim uses Apply, see section 7.3.4 and the variant Elim ...with ... below.


   1.Elim term also works when the type of term starts with products and the head symbol is an inductive definition.
     In that case the tactic tries both to find an object in the inductive definition and to use this inductive definition for
     elimination. In case of non-dependent products in the type, subgoals are generated corresponding to the
     hypotheses. In the case of dependent products, the tactic will try to find an instance for which the elimination
     lemma applies.

   2.Elim term with term1 ...termn
     Allows the user to give explicitly the values for dependent premises of the elimination schema. All arguments must
     be given.

     Error message: Not the right number of dependent arguments
   3.Elim term with ref1 := term1 ...refn := termn
     Provides also Elim with values for instantiating premises by associating explicitly variables (or non dependent
     products) with their intended instance.
   4.Elim term1 using term2
     Allows the user to give explicitly an elimination predicate term2 which is not the standard one for the underlying
     inductive type of term1. Each of the term1 and term2 is either a simple term or a term with a bindings list (see
   5.ElimType form
     The argument form must be inductively defined. ElimType I is equivalent to Cut I. Intro Hn; Elim
     Hn; Clear Hn Therefore the hypothesis Hn will not appear in the context(s) of the subgoal(s).
     Conversely, if t is a term of (inductive) type I and which does not occur in the goal then Elim t is equivalent to
     ElimType I; 2: Exact t.

     Error message: Impossible to unify ...with ...
     Arises when form needs to be applied to parameters.

   6.Induction ident
     Is equivalent to Intros until ident; Pattern ident; Elim ident
   7.Induction num
     Is analogous to Induction ident but for the num-th non-dependent premise of the goal.

 SIMPL This tactic applies to any goal. The tactic Simpl first applies beta i -reduction rule. Then it expands transparent constants and tries to reduce T' according, once more, to beta i rules. But when the i rule is not applicable then possible delta-reductions are not applied. For instance trying to use Simpl on (plus n O)=n will change nothing. 

(Del Tutorial)

  Load nombre carga el fichero nombre.v. El sistema busca el fichero en todos los directorios en el camino de acceso. Se pueden añadir nuevos directorios a este camino con AddPath. En general el camino se inicializa por el contenido del fichero .coqrc.

Inspect n muestra los nombres y los tipos de los n últimos objetos del entorno.

Check t verifica si el objeto t está bien construido y muestra su tipo.

Print nombre muestra la definición y el tipo del objeto "nombre" del entorno.

Reset nombre elimina del entorno el objeto "nombre".