1.1 Lexical conventions

1.1 Lexical conventions

Space, newline and horizontal tabulation are considered as blanks. Blanks are ignored but they separate tokens.
Comments in Coq are enclosed between (* and *), and can be nested. Comments are treated as blanks.
Identifiers, written ident, are sequences of letters, digits, _, $ and ', that do not start with a digit or '. That is, they are recognized by the following lexical class:

first_letter ::= a..z | A..Z | _ | $
subsequent_letter ::= a..z | A..Z | 0..9 | _ | $ | '
ident ::= first_letter[subsequent_letter...subsequent_letter]
Identifiers can contain at most 80 characters, and all characters are meaningful. In particular, identifiers are case-sensitive.
Natural numbers and integers
Numerals are sequences of digits. Integers are numerals optionally preceded by a minus sign.

digit    ::=    0..9
num    ::=    digit...digit
integer    ::=    [-]num
Strings are delimited by " (double quote), and enclose a sequence of any characters different from " and \, or one of the following sequences
Sequence Character denoted
\\ backslash (\)
\" double quote (")
\n newline (LF)
\r return (CR)
\t horizontal tabulation (TAB)
\b backspace (BS)
\ddd the character with ASCII code ddd in decimal
Strings can be split on several lines using a backslash (\) at the end of each line, just before the newline. For instance,

AddPath "$COQLIB/\
is correctly parsed, and equivalent to

Coq < AddPath "$COQLIB/contrib/Rocq/LAMBDA".
The following identifiers are reserved keywords, and cannot be employed otherwise:
as end in of using
with Axiom Cases CoFixpoint CoInductive
Compile Definition Fixpoint Grammar Hypothesis
Inductive Load Parameter Proof Prop
Qed Quit Set Syntax Theorem
Type Variable    

Although they are not considered as keywords, it is not advised to use words of the following list as identifiers:
Add AddPath Abort Abstraction All
Begin Cd Chapter Check Compute
Defined DelPath Drop End Eval
Extraction Fact Focus Goal Guarded
Hint Immediate Induction Infix Inspect
Lemma Let LoadPath Local Minimality
ML Module Modules Mutual Opaque
Parameters Print Pwd Remark Remove
Require Reset Restart Restore Resume
Save Scheme Search Section Show
Silent State States Suspend Syntactic
Test Transparent Undo Unset Unfocus
Variables Write    
Special tokens
The following sequences of characters are special tokens:
| : := = > >> <>
<< < -> ; # * ,
? @ :: / <- =>

Lexical ambiguities are resolved according to the ``longest match'' rule: when a sequence of non alphanumerical characters can be decomposed into several different ways, then the first token is the longest possible one (among all tokens defined at this moment), and so on.

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