17.2 Using Omega

17.2 Using Omega

The tactic Omega does not belong to the core system. It should be loaded by

Coq < Require Omega.

Example 6:

Coq < Goal (m,n:Z) ~ `1+2*m = 2*n`.
1 subgoal
   (m,n:Z)`1+2*m <> 2*n`

Coq < Intros; Omega.
Subtree proved!

Example 7:

Coq < Goal (z:Z)`z>0` -> `2*z + 1 > z`.
1 subgoal
   (z:Z)`z > 0`->`2*z+1 > z`

Coq < Intro; Omega.
Subtree proved!

Other examples ca be found in $COQLIB/theories/DEMOS/OMEGA.

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