Lab Assignment #1

Light-Up puzzle


This assignment consists in solving the Light-Up puzzle (try here an online game), also called Akari, and described as follows. We have a grid of n x n black or white cells. Black cells may additionally contain a number from 0 to 4. The player can place any number of light bulbs in white cells, as needed. A bulb sends horizontal and vertical rays of light: the ray lights up all adjacent white cells in the same direction until it reaches a black cell or the grid border. The rules for placing the bulbs are the following:
  1. All white cells must be lighted up by some bulb
  2. A light bulb cannot send a light ray on another bulb
  3. If a black cell contains a number N, then the number of bulb cells that share an edge with the black cell must be exactly N.
An example of initial configuration and the corresponding solution can be seen below.

initial solved
Initial configuration
Solved puzzle

What to do

Step 1. Each input instance is an ASCII file containing a squared grid (n x n) with the following format. The file contains n lines (the rows) and each line contains n characters (the columns) ended by a newline. Each cell contains a character that can be:
  •  'x' = a black cell
  • a digit from '0' to '4' = a black cell with the corresponding number inside
  • '.' = an empty white cell that can be filled with a bulb, if needed

The following shows the input format for the initial configuration above:


The file contains several input files and their solutions.

You can also visualize the solution graphically using clingraph: you will need the files viz-lightup.lp, bulb.png and the script command show. For its use, just type, for instance:

show dom01.txt

Step 2. Write a python program he program to transform each input ASCII file into a logic program containing facts. For instance:

python3 < dom01.txt > domain.lp

will transform the example above into the set of facts:
#const n=7.

where "cell(X,Y,V)" means that cell in row X and column Y contains value V (number 0..4 or an 'x' letter).

Step 3. Encode the light-up problem in clingo in a file called lightup.lp. You can use

clingo 0 lightup.lp domain.lp

to obtain all the answer sets. You should check that each puzzle should have a unique solution. To display the puzzle solution as an ASCII file (as those included in the examples) you can use instead the program as follows:

python3 lightup.lp domain.lp

To use this program, you need facts like cell(0,1,b) to represent, for instance, that a light bulb is placed at row 0 and column 1.

Assessment & delivery

The maximum grade for this exercise is 25 points = 25% of the course. The deadline for delivery is November 24th, Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 using the MOODLE assignment. Exercises can be made by groups of 2 students at most. If so, only one student is required to deliver the files in moodle, but all source files must contain the names of the two group members.

Delivery: upload all files in a .zip including a README.txt with the student names and any additional comment you consider relevant.

Maintained by Pedro Cabalar